Memento Privacy Policy

Effective from May 6th, 2023

This page is used to inform visitors about our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use our Service. If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. If you don’t agree with the current policy as presently stated, please do not use any of our services.
The present policy might be subject to changes in the future for various reasons. When the change is significant, we will make sure that you aware of it and eventually reach out for your consent when necessary.
Memento can operate in two different modes, which impacts how we deal with your personal data:
• Connected mode: This mode is enabled when you create a Memento account using your email address. It allows you to store data you input to Memento on our servers, and make it available on all your devices that are connected to the internet, either using Memento for web or for mobile devices.
• Offline mode: This mode is enabled by default when you first install Memento app on your mobile device. You can input your data to Memento without having a Memento account. In this case, all the inputed data is stored solely on your local device. If at some point you switch to the connected mode, i.e. create a Memento account and login to it on your mobile device, all existing data on your local device will be synchronized with our servers. Note that this mode only exists on Memento for mobile devices, and is not relevant for the Memento web application.
Helping you collect your data and organizing it is the core of our service. Memento retains the data you choose to input to it, and eventually some other data that allows to improve our service :
• User information : To use Memento on your web browser, or to synchronize data from your mobile device you are required to create a Memento account using your email address, first name, last name and a password. This information is stored on our servers and will allow to identify you each time you use our service. If you decide to register or login to our service using third party authentication (Google sign in for instance), Memento will have access to your personal information required for the account creation, according to the permissions granted by the third party authentication provider. Note that this information is only collected when you use Memento in Connected Mode. Furthermore, data such as your email address, first name and last name will also be shared with other Memento users that you might have shared collections with.
• Inputed data: Memento collects images, files, notes and links you choose to input to it. To help you collect data easily, Memento by default automatically captures your screenshots and WhatsApp images, and acts as a receiver for some data that is shared to it. If you choose to, you can give access to some of your friends to the data that you choose to share with them through shared collections. When you do so, in all cases you remain owner of the data that you add to shared collections, and you can at any time revoke access to it.
Some of the data you input to Memento might be transferred to some third parties that provide to us some of the services we offer you, such as our AI based features. We pay very good attention to our providers privacy policy for processing and retaining your data, and in this case if you are entitled to such features with respect to our different subscription plans, our provider commits to to retain submitted data for no more than 30 days, and not to use it to further train their AI models. Their full policy is available .here
• Subscription information : Payment information such as credit card number, zip code and CVC that you may use to upgrade your Memento plan is securely processed by a third party provider according their policy. None of this information is retained by Memento. We however keep track of your subscription status, and monitor your data usage according to the plans quotas.
• Device activity : Memento collects information about the devices you use to connect, such as your device model, operating system, and web browser, and also keeps track of your activity such as your last login date and account creation date that you can all access from your settings section. This information is collected in order to give you better control and visibilty over how your account is being accessed.
• Usage data: In order to continuously provide a curated experience to our users, we collect some of the data about the usage you make of Memento using Google Analytics according to this policy. For example, this helps us to figure out what features are being the most useful to our users, and prioritize our efforts to match our users expectations.
How we use the information we collect :
At Memento we value the trust you put in us by using our service, and that’s why we are committed to protect your privacy and treat your data responsibly. Data we collect is used to operate our service to match our security, efficiency and user experience requirements.
• Improve our service: In order to respond to various technical challenges in managing our infrastructues and implementing new requirements, we may need to analyze in an aggregated/individual fashion our data sets and extract various information that will allow us to achieve our improvements. During this process, please note that we will always make sure that your information is strictly protected, and is only accessed by our teams when absolutely necessary.
• Support you: To be able to support you in case you need our help, our support team may need to access some of your personal information temporarily.
• Communication with you: Memento uses your contact information to communicate with you.
• Satisfy legal requests: Memento might disclose some information about you if required by law in compliance with applicable local regulations.
Data management and lifecycle :
At Memento, our revenues are not based on trading your personal information. There are limited cases where we might have to disclose some of your information, only the minimum required for each of the following cases :
• Payment information: When you pay for a Memento product, your payment information along with your contact information are shared with a third party that securely processes the payment transaction on our behalf.
Your personal information can be managed from your personal account. For any requests that can’t be directly handled through your personal settings space, you can contact us directly.
The data you input to our service is still owned by you, and will be stored and retained by us until you decide to delete it. When your data is deleted, it might be kept around for a maximum of 30 days as a backup in case it has been wrongfully deleted by you.
If you wish to, you can at any time delete your account and all your personal data with it from your account settings. When you do so, you will be notified about this action on your connected mobile devices (if you have any), and we will give you the choice to either keep a copy of your data on your local mobile device, which will bring the Memento mobile application into operating in « Offline Mode », or not keeping any data, which means all your data will be irreversibly deleted.
Keeping your information safe
At Memento, one of our areas of focus is to always implement the most secure and safe mechanisms and measures to protect your data globally. In spite of all our efforts, we are still subject to security breaches and vulnerabilities inherent to technology, like all others companies. Indeed, no computer technology can be guaranteed to be fully secure, so in turn we can’t guarantee to be an exception to it. We will do our best to protect all kind of information you provide to us, however the transmission of it to our services remains at your own risk. You are strongly recommended to interact with our services using only trustable and secure devices, from secure environments.
Contact us
For any questions, comments, or complaints about the present Privacy Policy, feel free to reach out to us at
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